Friday, May 25, 2012

6 months...

Shared by Rebecca U at 5:21 PM
Out little man is very nearly 6 months! If the next 6 months go as quickly as the past 6 have, it will be Christmas before I know it! He weighs over 20lbs now and is in the 90th centile for height and weight! (Why am I surprsed though, look at the size of Mike and I). He ahs starte on solid foods now and it is so fun to see his reaction to things and though it feels like you are constantly feeding him, I am quite enjoying it.
He is a very happy boy and loves to laugh and smile. Its so fun seeing his personality come out - he is generally chilled out but doesn't like too many people around or loud noises (maybe its an oldest child thing as theres just mummy and daddy at home)?!


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