Monday, September 10, 2012

September so far...

Shared by Rebecca U at 9:38 PM
Well, if it is September (already?!) then it means Max is 9 now 9 months old. He loves to crawl at super speed and think when I am come after him to get him dressed etc is a game, so crawls off even quicker. He climbs up the stairs so we recently invested in a stairgate (thank you eBay) and he walks along our sofas holding on the front. He is getting a lot more light blonde hair and as you can see in the pic, is starting to curl up (especially around his ears). Max has such an infectious laugh and is so smiley - everyone always comments on it. He loves the bath and splashing around and to play the piano with daddy.

We were lucky enough to be given some tickets to some of the Paralympic games last Friday evening so we saw some great events (Oscar Pistorius' 400m heat being my highlight ;) and there was a medal ceremont for a British athlete so we got to sing our National Anthem in the stadium - it was great!

Going to the Olympic Park means of course a trip to Westfield....

Can you believe this was made out of Jelly Belly's in John Lewis??

In order to get some extra spending money for our upcoming holiday  I have been spending my week delivering phone books! Wow, it is so boring. But I have literally been walking or miles and miles so I'm just thinking of the calories ;)


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