Monday, September 17, 2012

Time Out...

Shared by Rebecca U at 4:18 PM
The little one is napping and I seem to have some time on my hands. Recently I have been really busy (or at least it seems that way, as I couldn't really say what I have been busy with). Anyway, I am going to have a chill out and blog.

At the weekend we saw Mr U's family as we hadn't seen them for a few weeks. Wr just stayed over on Friday night and left Saturday afternoon. Mike and I went to the Outlet shopping centre over there and the grandparents watched Max. He got to try out Grandad U's motorbike and everything. He was so scared when anyone put on a motorbike helmet though, seriously sad face. He was full of cold at the weekend (and still is!) so was generally quite an unhappy bunny :(

We would have loved to be up at my parents though as my dad was released on Sunday as Bishop of the Harrogate ward. He has faithfully served for 5 1/2 years and we would have loved to have been there to hear both of my prents speak. I know that they (and we) have received many blessings through his service. The new bishop, was my bishop whn I was a student in Leeds so this will be his second time! He and his family moved to my parents ward a year or so ago.
I went up to London in the week to see Billy Elliot. My friend Hailey's fiancee gets free tickets to all sorts of things as he is in the armed forces and he had surprise booked tickets for her and a friend to go to and I was chosen as the friend. It was great to see her and get excited about her wedding in December and to see the show of course.
I am throwing Hailey a bridal shower and I have loved planning it. I don't know if its because of the wonderful invention that is Pinterest that inspires me, but I think I've missed a trick in vocation - I love planning events! In my Stake Primary calling we have an upcoming Talent Show activity and I am loving planning out the day and crafting decorations for it. Maybe it's just a sign of getting old ;)
We are looking forward to lots of upcoming adventures and to go on holiday, though Mr U and I won't be going together! He is going to Abu Dhabi with his dad and 2 of his brothers for the F1 race. Max and I will be going to Las Vegas to see my sister and her family there. I am so excited it is getting a bit ridiculous. We skype from time to time and email back and forth, but when we are together it feels like we haven't been apart - I love my sisters!


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