Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Year, New Me...?

Shared by Rebecca U at 8:32 PM
Well, isn't it the cliché thing to write a New Year post? But hey, it would be rude not to. I thought I would just give a quick update of all things Family U and what I have planned for the year Twenty-Thirteen (hopefully, lucky for some).

My 2013 Top 13:

(in no particular order)

1. Blogging, blogging and more blogging
2. Travel - staycation or abroad, lots of family trips
3. Run 10k for charity - I am signed up for one in March, yay!
4. Weight loss!
5. Baby no. 2 (no, this is not an announcement, but I would like to be pregnant again at some point this year)
6. Get my sewing machine up and running - I have been doing a few bits and bobs on it, but I want to make proper things like skirts and cushions. New needles needed.
7. Learn something new - language perhaps?
8. Sell more on Ebay (slightly addicted?!)
9. Grow my nails - now I am no longer playing netball all the time, I have no excuse to have them short.
10. Have better date nights with the hubs
11. Go to more groups / clubs with the little one
12. Get the business up and running with the husband and father-in-law
13. Improve my scripture reading - make sure that it is not just reading but studying

What are your new year goals? Any success stories from last year? x


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